Terms of Access & Service Agreement
All access and service uses of the Orgill, Inc. Internet Website are governed by the terms contained within this document. By viewing this document upon entering the website, the user is indicating that this agreement has been reviewed and agrees to the terms contained herein.
Access and Use of Information
Access to the Orgill.Com/Orgill.Ca Website is limited to viewing the linked Web pages solely for business purposes to access the information provided by Orgill, Inc. at this Website. Any other access or attempt to access other areas of the Orgill computer system or other information contained on the system of any purposes is strictly prohibited without written authorization. Information contained on the Orgill.Com/Orgill.Ca Website may not be used for any purposes other than those agreed upon and contained herein.
Information Accuracy
All information provided on the Orgill.Com/Orgill.Ca Website is subject to change without notice. Efforts have been made to make the Orgill.Com/Orgill.Ca Website information as accurate as possible, but due to the nature of the information as received from various suppliers, Orgill, Inc. does not warrant the accuracy of information contained on the Website.
The Orgill.Com/Orgill.Ca Website contains many third-party trademarks and service marks. All marks are the property of their respective companies. All rights in the intellectual property contained in this Website including copyright, trademarks, trade secret and patent rights are reserved. Access to this Website does not constitute a right to copy or use any of the intellectual property of Orgill, Inc. or its suppliers. Statutory notice contained herein represents trademark status in the United States.
Some of the OSRAM Sylvania product images herein are copyrighted by Photographic Illustrators Corporation/ Paul K. Picone.
Hypertext Links
The Orgill.Com/Orgill.Ca Website may be linked to other sites which are not maintained by Orgill, Inc. Orgill, Inc. is not responsible for the content of those sites. The inclusion of any link to such sites does not necessarily imply endorsement, sponsorship, or recommendation by Orgill, Inc. of the sites.
All remarks, suggestions, ideas, graphics or other information communicated to Orgill, Inc. through this site will forever be the property of Orgill, Inc. Unless otherwise specified, Orgill, Inc. will not be required to treat such information as confidential. Orgill, Inc. shall have exclusive ownership of all present future existing rights in the information with no compensation to the sending individual or group.
Site Alteration
Orgill, Inc. may alter or update the information contained on the Website for accuracy and to maintain current information as required and as deemed necessary by Orgill, Inc. No permission is granted to print, copy, reproduce, distribute, transmit, upload, download, store, display in public, alter, or modify the content contained on the Orgill.Com/Orgill.Ca Website.
Health Plan Disclosure
The Transparency in Coverage Final Rules require certain group health plans to disclose on a public website information regarding in-network provider rates and historical out-of-network allowed amounts and billed charges for covered items and services in two separate machine-readable files (MRFs). The MRFs for the benefit package options under the Orgill, Inc. Health and Welfare Plan are linked here.
General Disclaimer
Orgill, Inc. disclaims all warranties including the implied warranty of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Orgill, Inc. does not warrant that functions contained on this site will be uninterrupted or error-free, or that defects will be corrected, or that this site or the server are free of viruses or other harmful components. Orgill, Inc. does not warrant or represent the use of any materials contained on this site as correct, reliable or accurate.
All customers registered to use the Orgill.Com website and / or all customers purchasing merchandise from or through Orgill, Inc. by any means or method or procedure agree to indemnify, defend, and hold Orgill, Inc., its affiliates, agents, and shareholders harmless from and against any and all claims and liability including costs, attorney fees, and expenses including, but not limited to, any errors, inaccuracies, or product labeling disputes (including state, province, country, or local multiple language statutes), any alleged violation of third party intellectual property rights, including but not limited to trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets, or patents which may be suffered by Orgill, Inc. that may arise from customer’s country, state, province, or locality in which said customer is doing business.
Usage Restrictions
The entire contents of this site (design, text, graphics, logo, etc.) are copyrighted under United States Law and protected by worldwide copyright laws and treaty provisions. Materials from the Orgill.Com World Wide Website may not be copied, distributed, or transmitted in any way without prior written consent of Orgill, Inc.. Permission is granted to copy and to print portions of this site for the purpose of placing an order with Orgill.Com. All material on this site is provided for lawful purposes only. Orgill, Inc. reserves complete title and full intellectual property rights for materials downloaded from the site.